Friday, June 04, 2004

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Ok...strange as it may sound, I'm actually missing my brother who is at sailing camp. Although I am at nsc during the same 5 days of his camp and I do see him, him not being at home just feels different. It always happens when he is not at home for a period of 3 days or more. The same thing happened when he was at Langkawi. Anyways, a minor accident happened last night when they were riding back to nsc after dinner. He literally flew off his bike when he braked super-hard at high-speed. Thank God he only escaped with superficial injuries to his chin, arm, face and knee. Ok, it may sound as if he injured almost his whole body but he was really lucky he didn't hurt his head or break his jaw. I bet he must be damn sore that he couldn't sail the whole of today. I guess he'll sail tomorrow, regardless of whether coach allows him to. Oh, and luckily for me today, there wasn't much sun in the arvo today, so my sun-burnt thighs had time to recover. Thank God. I hope and pray there won't be much sun tomorrow too, or else I'll be burnt alive...I think.
Ok, today's interview wasn't that bad. The panel of interviewers were really genuinely nice people who weren't out to make life difficult for you. There were 3 of them; 2 males, 1 female. Had quite a good time, at least there were some laughter and they didn't really make me feel nervous, although it did seem a little daunting at first. Think I have a 60-40 chance of making it. Keeping my fingers crossed. Alright, 2 more days to go!!


At 9:06 PM, Blogger ah choy said...

Hey Liying!!! It isn't only my fault k....U have been so busy with work lately and i've been slacking... We really must meet up before inter-schs or something....Don't be a workaholic ya?


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