Thursday, June 10, 2004 was a super-boring day... There was absolutely no wind at all... and there was speculation was that it would storm tomorrow. Oh boy, that will be a damn good prospect for tomorrow. The weather in S'pore is really freaky nowadays.

Hmnz...just found out that the owner of the shop in nsc which sells sailing gear is looking for a shop assistant who preferably has accounting skills. Well, I don't mind learning on the job but I think it won't be fair to Tim if I can't commit for even 1 month and he has to teach me all the basics. It would be like a waste of his timee and energy. He gave me his card and asked me to email him some details about myself. Still in two minds whether I want to email him.

Owells, there's something to look forward to tomorrow! Dinner at Suntec Marche with the [SA]ilors...It would be fun! And my bro would be home alone tomorrow night cos my dad has someting on too, and my mum's working the afternoon shift.

Beginning to have feelings for someone... So those nosey parkers out there, do not even TRY to fish out from me or any other people as to the identity of the one in question.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger maverick said...

Happy for you. :)


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