Friday, July 30, 2004

3rd day of school

Hehehe.....Felt really happy today!! Only because my children were so "guai" today....compared to the last two days. Moreover, I have more or less gotten used to the notion of teaching though I still have much more to learn. Today was really a big improvement over the last two days perhaps due to the 4 pupils who were absent today but nevertheless, a good achievement for me. There was even laughter in the air it was good! The kids are really adorable lah. When they behave. Think I'm gonna lose weight soon...have been combining my lunch with my breakfast....haven't been eating a proper lunch.

Hmnz....on the other hand, don't know when I can meet up with friends....seem to have so much homework to mark and I don't know where to start. :( This is not good....need to have a life! See, I even have to go back to school tomorrow to try to mark the assignments.



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