Monday, July 05, 2004

Quick movie review...

Just back from watching Spiderman 2 with my brother and boy, it was a blast! There was a few unexpected twists and turns in the movie and the plot wasnot bad at all. The effects were nothing short of fantabulous as well. On the whole, a very enjoyable movie.

On a separate note,watching a movie on a school holiday/public holiday is a major tedious/patience-consuming task if you do not make a prior booking. Otherwise, you will be rather disappointed. Hence, having your parents book the tickets with a credit card is a major plus. Hmnz....still thinking about whether I should get a debit card. It'll make things so much making online bookings which is such a common thing now.

Time really flies. Before you know it, more than half a year has already passed and I must admit, God has generally been good and faithful to me. I thank Him for a wonderful and loving family. For that aspect, I can't ask for more. Really treasure the times alone with my family....its when you really get to understand more about them....and find out stuff about them you never knew. A perfect example is the fact that my bro is such a vainpot. He'd rather be half-blind than wearing a not too fashionable pair of glasses(his substitute pair). My goodness...I didn't know my bro could be that vain. :) Don't know if its good or bad though. Heh..

Oh....before I forget...starting from this week onwards, my friday,sat,and sun nights will be gone. Poof! :( But there'll be money to earn...not that I'm a slave for money...but it'll be good experience for me. So any of you out there who dig hongkong pastries like egg tarts, old-wife cakes, century-egg pastries etc, feel free to come down to Sago Street, Chinatown to take a look. The pastries are really good and are priced reasonably. :)


At 9:09 PM, Blogger maverick said...

what will you be doing?


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