Monday, January 31, 2005

Oscar the grouch?

Heh...I miss the Sesame Street! It was such a fun and educational show... Anyway...the character popped into my mind when a colleague chided me this morning for being a grouch. He actually asked me to eat a sweet to "cure" my grouchiness. lame was that? But, it managed to make me smile anywayz. the end, I took a sweet from my own sweet store. :) And you must be wondering... what caused all that grouchiness? I attributed it to my pupils' total lack of care in doing their work. I get either neat and poorly done work or well done work with atrocious handwriting! Goodness, how do you expect me to mark? Grr...

I shall TRY to be less grouchy. When I told Em what I was so pissed about, she was like "Aiyah, my kids also like that what... What's new?" Sigh...its precisely that! They keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Right...shall stop rambling on about them...spoils my mood. Hmnz...had a good weekend out at outing is in march hols...hope there's nothing to stop me from helping out. Erps..ok. shall stop here, LP is waiting for me. Darn.


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