Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The case of the bloated feeling and the 'fat cheeks"

Alright, not that the 2 of them are related, but it just seemed like a nice title to put up. Hehe....So I guess I'll start with the bloated feeling first. Today's Tuesday, so it means waffle-day too! So pickleberry, shopping queen 2 and choyabella headed down to Gelare TM. We had yummy waffles then went down to Popular, the regular haunt for us, then proceeded home. Felt bloated and full while waiting for the bus, so decided that I would skip dinner. At the same time, I felt sticky and tired and I just wanted to get home and get showered and laze around. Stomach continued to feel queasy, but was pressed by my dad to eat something. Thankfully, I was relieved of my "pain" shortly and everythig was 'back to normal'. Phew. Hehe.... Now I can go to sleep peacefully.

Anyway, so while in the bus on theway to TM, noticed that pickleberry's cheeks were a little chubby, so I made a comment to that effect. After contemplating and 'examining' herself, she concluded that she has put on weight and probably has been smiling too much. Hehe... :) The little discovery continued to amuse us even after the waffles. Wahaha....hilarious.


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