Saturday, August 20, 2005

Household matters

Hehe...just cleaned the floor using a brand-new vacuum cleaner!! It was a world of difference from the previous one. Haha... I feel happy just vacuuming the floor, 'cos it required less effort than the previous one! And the suction power was so much better. Ahh....I have a new favourite household toy.

After vacuuming, I wanted to mop the floor. Once I switched on the tap, water started leaking from the pipe. I got a shock as I tried to figure out an explanation for it. The water was gushing out like all hell broke loose! Luckily, my brain prevailed, so I went out to turn off the water mains. Phew. At least the water will not gush out until my dad returned to check it out. Turns out that after 8 faithful years, it has decided to give way. Because of the heat of the water, it caused a hole in the wall mounted bracket or something like that. dad is fixing it up now with new fittings. Sigh..think the water heater needs to be replaced soon too, 'cos the lifespan is about 8 years too. Thankfully, my dad is good with water and electricity works... he is a certified plumber I think.:) That's why I want a husband who is a handyman in future. Haha.


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