Monday, September 26, 2005


Had interesting conversations with different people today....and they made me realise that the world is actually very small. Hehe... sigh...I guess we are all connected to each other in some way or another, whether directly or indirectly. Anyway, one particular conversation with a friend yielded the fact that her boyfriend, actually writes lyrics for the songs that JJ Lin sings. Wow. I was dumbfounded. cool. So he writes the lyrics while JJ Lin composes the melody. Talented people. :)

Today, a few of us actually spoke behind this girl's back during break-time. She was less than 1 metre away from us, and we were shamelessly bitching about her. That was the penultimate man. Haha...but that girl is really detestable. At first I thought she was just bad, but now..... hmnz.

Alright...that's all for today. 'Show's over'! Choy's heading back to her books. :(


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