Thursday, September 29, 2005

life is like a box of chocolates

Here I am, taking a break from the terrible math concepts i have to grasp by tomorrow. Sigh, its one thing to know them, but its a totally different thing to know how to apply them. Shucks. I'm not gonna ask for much, I'm just determined to pass it. Yup. Just got back the english test results today, and I was expecting to do a little better than how I had performed. In terms of marks wise, I thought I did pretty okay. But pretty okay is not good enough when the whole cohort has done very well on a whole. Hence, there was moderation, and in terms of grades, I got a B, which was a bit below average I guess. Bah, the bottom line is that I hate the bell curve. Whoever came up with the concept is crazy. I mean, reality is such. That's one fact I gleaned from my ed psych tutor today. She is one of the best tutors I have, very proficient in every aspect, and a very down-to- earth. One nugget of wisdom is "Just do your best, and leave the rest." Yup, no explanation needed. This society is too caught up in grades. We simply feel lost if we don't see that damned grade. Lolz.


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Whale said...

Hey Fang Fang! We're both finally in university.. isn't it nice? a break from working? yet a new kind of stress again.. it seems new to me ;p


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