Friday, October 28, 2005


I've never met anyone like him. He comes across as being friendly, but can turn around and shoot you in your back if you're not careful. We decided to give him the grade based on his late but hardworking performance, but instead, we were accused of acting nice in front of our tutor. Like wth??!! Wah lao....if we have no issue with you now then just take it and leave the rest lah. Still want to dig up shit that you can't find. He seems very smart, but asks the most redundant if he's asking for the sake of asking. He acts so humbled and remorseful in front of our tutor and then he's back to his old self outside of class. Oh yeah, I forgot to add that his ego, is almost the size of a basketball manz. He told my group leader about something to the effect of "I rather be called stupid than being called lazy ..." I was like huh? Gosh... I really have not seen anyone like him before. Now I've learnt my lesson. Just stay away from you in the future. I won't make the same mistake of being in the same group as you ever again.


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