Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Bah. Children nowadays....where are all their values? Aren't parents supposed to teach them values? I'm disappointed. It saddens me to know that children are insensitive about their comments especially towards their own grandparents. No wonder more and more grandparents are abandoned in nursing homes nowadays.
Tsk Tsk.

Anyway, much of the afternoon/evening was spent tdoing miscellaneous at home, reorganising my life, so to speak. Firstly, I had to purchase a new ink cartridge as mine had run out of ink. Then, my claculator of 7 years had to conk out on me today, mostly due to water spillage. Sigh. That's another story in itself. Then, came home and cleaned the fan after dinner. How fantastic right? The fan was getting too dusty for my liking. Perhaps that's why I was having phlegm in my throat the past week. Eeks. Yuck, the dust was super thick. Then, I took my papers out to dry. So now I'm taking a breather. Hmnz...the fan is so much more efficient now. I feel clean air blowing!! Whee...

Hmnz...I think many people are choosing the easy way out of their troubles nowadays. Its like a statement they are trying to make. I don't understand. And more often than not, its due to relationship problems. I sensed something was amiss when school stepped up security patrols these 2 days. A conversation with a friend suddenly made things so clear. At least that's what I think. Sigh.


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