Sunday, November 13, 2005


I was just looking at the class photo I just received....and realised that I miss teaching them...and last year's bunch of kids. The second half of this year has really just flown past in the blink of an eye. Sigh...I'm getting sentimental again. Oh yeah...and a few weeks ago I got to sit in the 'Sports for Life' van...and it suddenly hit me that I spent almost 3 years in that van...travelling to NSC from TKGS every Moday and Wednesday afternoons... I missed the times spent collecting money.. for the transport, and the times we bitched in the van. Wow...those were the days man.

Of course, not forgetting the [SA]ilors... yeah, I miss just everything to do with sailing. Not as much as the school though. JC days were more forgettable...except for the sailing part. I miss Tracey screaming at all of us during training, the gym...and me leaving early on Saturday evenings where I would skip Gerard's de-briefing sessions to rush off to tuition. Haha... and me...capsizing lots of times during the 1st 3 months of year 1 'cos I couldn't handle the big boat. Sigh... We really should have a gathering soon!! Both the TKgians and [SA]ilors... :)

On another note, I can't believe I'm watching Harry Potter with my bro and Scott on Thurs afternoon... on the day before math exam. Sigh... someone just shoot me please. But my bro, being the busy guy that he is, his hols are packed with sailing...going to Port Dickson for a regatta, then coming back to race, then flying over to Brisbane for a training cum racing stint. Cool huh? Yeah... So that's the only spare time he has to catch a movie. Alrighty..have to go and cook rice.


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