Thursday, February 16, 2006


Sigh...there is no end in sight to the many assignments. Bah... and the supposed 1 week break next week is in no way a break at all. So much for that ya? Whatever...a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do. Heh.

Btw, have you noticed the recent spate of murders and attempted murders ? Yea...don't know what's wrong with people nowadays.

Met up with Tania today before she leaves for aussie tomorrow. Time really flies.

I was a bunch of nerves today. Don't know why. But I'm glad its over and done with. Now, to find my narrative on smoking. Hope the book is a suitable one.*crosses fingers*

Hmnz... so, my bro will not be taking the Os...a big risk, but a calculated and necessary one. Oh well, hope all goes well with what he has decided.

Yay!! new car's coming tomorrow! So excited. :)

Yeah, I know it has been a very disconnected post. But heck, I do not really care. Just shows my mood huh? Have a great weekend ahead friends.


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