I have this feeling that quite a number of people visit my blog but they are like ghosts. They do not make any noises at all. Haha...so if YOU are reading this right now, please tag me so that my tagboard can come alive? Pretty please? I know, only xm has been one of the more faithful ones. Haha.
Anyway, a crazy weekend has just gone past. And, I thought I must be the only one in the whole wide world to be rushing to complete my assignment at the very last minute(very early this morning). But alas, this was not the case. I saw another guy in school today rushing to complete his assignment(which was due at 5pm) at 2.30pm!!! Gosh! Now, that epitomises the meaning of 'last minute'. Wow.
On another note, the heat this past few days has been really unbearable. I'm perspiring as I type.
By the way, caught So you think you can dance on Ch 5 just now, and there were some really good dancers. Another great reality/talent show.
I can't wait for the hols!
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