Saturday, September 16, 2006

mirror reflection

Sometimes, it takes a mirror to realise your own shortcomings.

Mangrove plants have different types of roots to adapt to the salt water. Have you ever thought about how humans adapt to the surroundings around them? It's not so straight forward isn't it? As in, the adaption is not always visible. However, people come in all shapes and sizes and we have to adapt to new situations everyday.

I realised something else today. When we make a statement about something or pass a judgement, we usually base them on our own prior experiences. But its a dangerous thing to do....'cos the end result of your statement may cause others to misunderstand you. A learning point for me is that "think before you speak". Literally. And we can't be so adamant in our own thinking, and we must keep an open mind at all times. =)


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