Monday, February 26, 2007


"Don't let me and the school down ah." Wah like that? Starting to feel stressed already. Call it lucky or unlucky, i've been given the best class of P5. Both practicum also give me best class! Ahhhh.... help! But I'll get through it...hopefully. :) Talked to ex-teachers and all... we talked as if we were old friends. Haha. It feels weird to be teaching in the primary school that you attended. Talking to one retired now adjunct teacher really made my eyes open about how education is so different from 10 to 15 years ago. Deep stuff.

On another note, budget, budget and more budget please. Its the same situation for most schools that have sailing. Lack of budget. The costs are so high, Ps want to see results before giving more is never enough for sailing, they have to understand that sailing is an inherently costly sport. just compare the cost of one boat fully rigged and a lifejacket to a hockey stick. You just can't put them on the same scale. Now, we have 6 green elephants(more like green boats) waiting to be refurbished with money that will drop from the sky. The way I see it, there's no way we can get the boats refurbished. Sigh. I think there should be some form of subsidy that schools can apply for. haha.


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