Saturday, September 08, 2007

multiple choice

so many things i wanna blog about all at once....
i had about 3 blog titles in my head...
1: a day in the life of a sailor
2. Quietly Hopeful
3. Patience and Straightforward-ness

let's see...i think i'll go in chronological order.
1&2. I think being a competitive national sailor is tough work man. Especially when its the peak season with competitions coming one after the other, trials taking place, you really have to be on your toes and be focused on what you wanna do. My bro only has one rest day tomorrow then its back to "work" next monday to friday at RM to take part in Keelboat selections cum training camp to see which 5 guys would best make up the keelboat team at the SEA games. So i'm quietly hopeful and excited for him. :) Jiayou! Hope I don't jinx it by blogging about it haha.

3. I realise that I do have a lot of shortcomings...and I think I need to make a conscious effort to change. Sigh...

Anyways, I almost felt seasick today. Couldn't take it sitting in a stationary boat bobbing up and down. Requested to go back to shore early. Was turned off by the oily and spicy malay food which they catered for us. So I basically had a lousy day out at sea today coupled with other members in the boat who were either too lazy or over enthusiastic. Argh!!!

Felt better once I got home though....had fantastic home cooked food(although left over from previous days) and I'm having some frog's saliva soup boiled with white fungus and wolfberry later. Yum Yum....

Getai later tonight...Its that time of the year again! I need earmuffs... I hope I can sleep with all the noise later. Need to brace myself for the din later.

Oh, I just watched a fanatstic match between my 2 fav women tennis players... Justine and Venus. Was rooting for Justine though...and she won!! Woohoos!! Go Justine! They played unbelievable tennis man, fantastic drop shots, both ran for the ball and retrieved it....simply marvelous.


At 11:20 PM, Blogger Solo said...

Wow, interesting boatmates you have, straddling across the entire spectrum from lazy to over enthu. Missed all the action. -.-


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