good service
actually, thinking back on the shops i patronised today, i must say that all the shops i went to provided good service. like reasonably good and there's nothing for me to pick bones with. first off, That CD shop at raffles city SC. the sales woman who attended to me was nice and patient, was so enthusiastic to let me take a listen to the CDs which I was considering to purchase. I mean how many shops actually do this? thumbs up to the lady who served me. :)
next was this shop at The Central called Euraugo. we were outside Gobi's waiting for my bro when my mum saw this shop selling dresses with the sign "50 % off", so we decided to take a look. saw a dress which i liked, salesgirl came over to ask if she could help. so she helped me decide that the dress was a good choice for a wedding dinner etc, helped me find the right size then i found out also that the dress was not on discount, but was still reasonably priced at 92 bucks. so i was quite satisfied and bought it. mum was happy too. service was excellent, attentive but not too "sticky' and very helpful and friendly. next up was gobi's which sells macaroons....ooh they were heavenly. sales woman was very helpful and nice too.
last but not least was waraku. great food, great company, good service. :)
what more can i say?
of giving and being a "responsible" citizen
if you have been reading the papers, you would have read about the recent spate of the busting of contraband cigarettes smuggling groups. well, even afthe recent newspaper article about the dealing of contraband cigarettes to underage girls in my area, it didn't stop! didn't deter them one bit... they have been at it all week in the mornings.... so i did the "right thing" this morning. They assured me they would have their colleagues look into it. my dad says he's skeptical about it....he doesn't think they'll do anything about it. anyway just doing my part lah. don't really care about the outcome...
anyways, it does feel good to give. i really should give more often than to receive.
so basically, it's bro's birthday today. he turns 17! heh. happy birthday bro! spent a lot of money today....i don't even wanna look at my atm receipts. scaryy.... yeah anyway, i'm one dress down, one more to look for. did i mention how difficult it is to find a nice simple dress that i like? i next have to find a nice simple WHITE dress for the daytime. or a nice WHITE top and a NICE skirt to match. SIGH.
am listening to westlife's latest cd's quite nice... bought dad his fav Eagles...they released a new CD recently too. and last but not least, andrea bocelli's compilation of his best songs. all for 50 bucks. hai...
haha it rocks to be a civil servant....2 months bonus plus a special growth bonus?! wooohoo! bring it on....i can go to vietnam with a peace of mind now haha.
the blaming game.
i really don't know what's becoming of the society nowadays. moments earlier, an enraged father of a little girl of about 5 years old was berating and blaming the taxi driver for not looking out for his daughter who apparently dashed out from the pavement and onto the road. btw, the road is in the carpark so the taxi was moving rather slowly. (according to witnesses) i don't think the taxi driver could have possibly seen the girl running out onto the pavement as she was quite short and covered by the parked cars. if he was driving any faster probably the girl would have been seriously injured. moreover, her father was not with her at the time of the incident so you can see how all this is panning out... yes, perhaps the taxi driver could have been daydreaming or perhaps driving quite fast, but the fact remains that her father was not holding her hand. definitely it is not solely the driver's fault, the way i see it, both parties are to blame. many factors also come into play with it being dark and all...
anyway, ambulance has taken her to the hospital, police has arrived. sigh.
my bro, the serious coach
too bad i don't have a photo of him coaching but yeah. i've never seen him so serious about something before...maybe its the coming of age or simply just because he's applying the theory that he learnt from his coaching modules. whatever it is, its nice to see him so enthusiastic about something for once. :) like he finally knows what he wants to do and be proactive about it.
anyway since I have time on my hands i'm gonna try upload some photos. see if blogger cooperates with me today.
Here they are.... :)

Class photo before daneamania

Girls looking pretty...

the cool-looking boys who can't shake for nuts

Nat(the chinese tr) and myself - ktv-ing

2 MT trs and 1 eng tr(me)
as you can see we are all happy people. trs also need to let their hair down and enjoy themselves once in a while. like going ktv-ing and blading....
bah. just got woke up in the midst of my dream/nightmare. can't get back to sleep. but now is the perfect time to blog, so i'm here! but i'm having a writer's block. sigh....
anyway, later's just prize-giving duties....stand there look pretty...actually not really, have to arrange the prizes on the table before giving them out. then its the weekend and party time!! roller-blading on sat morning bright and early! can't wait... ahahaha.
oh yeah i wanted to talk about the right brain vs left brain test of looking at the dancer and if you see her moving clockwise you are right-brain dominated but if you see her moving anticlockwise you supposedly use more of your left brain. i want to say that i have looked at it a few times and for the most part of it i have seen her moving clockwise. then i look at the descriptors for right brain dominance and i must say, some of the characteristics do not describe me at all. then when i look at the descriptors for the left brain, i figure it describes me better. so is the dancer test flawed?
feel so proud of my pupils because they did their best and put up a great performance. well, although they did not win, in my heart they have won already. :)
anyway, wanted upload some photos but blogger refuses to cooperate. bleah.
pushing the blame
i really can't stand this particular parent because this is not the first time she has came to me "urgently" due to her son throwing tantrums and being upset. gosh, some parents really think that we should accede to all their whines and whims... can't you deal with it and explain to your child how the marks are being calculated? Just because he is upset that he did not get band one then you come looking for me? Find somewhere else to push the blame to lah for heaven's sake. I'm not your "bouncing off" board lor. Eeks.
hello maid?
i hate being treated like the maid of the house. enough said.
someone should invent some kind of device which can spout out detergent and scrub dishes without getting our hands dry and scaly. which is exactly what's happening to my hands. bah! don't even suggest the use of gloves because you can't feel whether the plates are clean when using gloves.
and have i mentioned that i hate kiasu parents? like turning up early, coming to class to get their report books...sms-ing me to find out which classes are cream classes??!! oh god. someone help me!! one week left! can you just spare me??
my bro is a one-eyed pirate. lol. serve him right for whatever caused it; may it be the computer games or his dirty hands or oogling at girls or whatever. haha.
Wow! I've neglected this blog for a total of 3 weeks. I think its the longest hiatus ever. Looks like there'll be more of me disappearing from this blog in time to come. I noticed a trend...if there are regular updates, it means either I have a lot of time or that I have things to b**** about. On the other hand, if there is a lack of updates, either I'm swamped with work or everything in my life has been going smoothly.
So how did I come to this conclusion? A friend commented that I have not blogged for a long time so I told her that I was busy and there was no need for me to blog. haha. Which was true because I was busy marking exam papers, going through revision for the exams and lots of other admin stuff. There wasn't much happening on the family front too so yup. Anyways, I'm quite thankful that the school year is coming to an end. Thankful that I survived with just a few scratches and bruises, nothing serious. Upon reflection, though it has been the toughest period(5 months) of my "teaching career", I think I'm better prepared for even greater challenges ahead. Put on more body armour, grow thicker skin and brace myself. Really, there's a lot to be learnt from these few months.
I believe that the obstacles were there for a reason, to remind me that teaching will not always be smooth sailing. There will be "tests" to test our strengths of character. to give us something to be busy about. Also, I believe that God is fair. He doesn't just test us, He also reassures us. Judging from what I saw today, I think I might have an easier time with this batch of pupils next year. Don't really want to jinx it by talking about it, but I'm having good vibes. *keeping my fingers and toes crossed*
so basically, life has consisted of bonding sessions with colleagues(karaoke) and even blading(akan datang). also dinners with family, watching tv shows, catching up with sleep.... watched rockapella with a colleague just last week. enjoyed it thoroughly! a very talented group. took my breath away. very obliging with encores. caught up with one of my sailing juniors over dinner this week. life's been great! can't wait for hols though. 2 weddings on my calendar, one overseas trip, one regatta.....blading sessions. Wow! *rubs hands in anticipation*