i've been on a roller-coaster of emotions these past 2 days. it's not been easy. work, personal life, family matters....and the list goes on. sometimes, i just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
but right now, i just want to take a step back and thank God for the little things that have gone well for me. i have a little reason to smile. i just need to be less forgetful.
nevertheless, what that doesn't kill me will make me stronger. just learn your lesson and move on.
mirror reflection
Sometimes, it takes a mirror to realise your own shortcomings.
Mangrove plants have different types of roots to adapt to the salt water. Have you ever thought about how humans adapt to the surroundings around them? It's not so straight forward isn't it? As in, the adaption is not always visible. However, people come in all shapes and sizes and we have to adapt to new situations everyday.
I realised something else today. When we make a statement about something or pass a judgement, we usually base them on our own prior experiences. But its a dangerous thing to do....'cos the end result of your statement may cause others to misunderstand you. A learning point for me is that "think before you speak". Literally. And we can't be so adamant in our own thinking, and we must keep an open mind at all times. =)
as pleased as pie
Hahaha...its a weird title...but that's kinda how I'm feeling right now. I couldn't be any happier than this. The good news is that Acer is replacing my lappie's battery even though they did not notice and cannot conclude that there was indeed the problem that I reported to them. As in, the battery did 'drop', but it didn't drop to like 10 or 20% like I said it would. So yup, actually I had a feeling that the problem will not surface when its at the service centre(it always happens to me)....but I never knew that they would actually replace it for me for free even though it was out of warranty. Cool. I guess there's no reason for me to complain. Acer's service is darn good lah. That is a perfect example of good service. :)
i've lost that 'loving' feeling
I've not sailed in like almost 3 years, and yesterday was one of the most unlikely days which I decided to sail. Thanks to M. :) Thanks for "dragging" me down ya? I had to start somewhere though. It was one of those sudden impulses. Which I rarely succumb to. :P Anyway, it started off quite well, with very little wind, thought I can gradually ease my way into finding my rhythm. But boy, was I wrong. Poof! Suddenly, the wind blew into above 10 knots and I was capping like mad. So at the end of yesterday, I was damn shagged. With knees that were hurt from kneeling on the boat (to keep my balance), a big bruise on my right thigh, roughened thumbs and fingers and stretched muscles, I was ready to fall into bed anytime.
My afterthoughts of this was that I'm glad I still remembered some stuff which I learnt over the years, and some feel of the boat was still there. I could maintain my boat speed upwind against some of the younger sailors and the feeling of hiking out and working the body was great. But downwind was a totally different story. Heh. I guess I just have to come back more often and get back in tune huh?
western circuit regatta 2006

A slice of the yummi-licious blueberry hazelnut cheese cake from Cedele.

Jac and I at Crystal Jade. Was nice meeting up with her and her friends. :)
betrayal/the blame game
I didnt want it to turn out this way, nor could I predict what he was thinking. all you cared was that I said those words and it caused him to lecture you? come on, don't be so childish. and the words you used later really broke my heart. I'm not perfect, neither are you. But I thought a mother's love is supposed to be unconditional? whatever happened to that? Judging by your words, are you implying that you would love me less?
There's a hole in my heart which can't be fixed and it hurts very much.
Your words cut like a knife.
Btw, I broke a plate today.
Many things seem to have been broken today. No pun intended.
the big 2-1
A big "Thank You" to my friends for the birthday wishes.... :-) I feel loved... Heh. Another milestone in my life is reached. Like I've mentioned to a few people, I feel old already.
Nothing beats having a nice and quiet dinner with your family, and just simply enjoying the food. And not forgetting the nice view... We had delicious birthday cake from Cedele...blueberry hazelnut cheesecake...yummy!! The simple things in life are priceless. :-)
Oh yeah, thanks to lav, emma, xiu, sharon and sab for making it an enjoyable dinner yesterday! Other than the horrible service at cartel where we adjourned to later for some drinks...
Oh wells, another chapter of my life is closed and another is opened...welcome to adulthood!