passion, drive and enthusiasm
The main key words for the day. And I've heard it for the 2nd time this week. Makes me really think, do we really lack that? Or is it actually the system which does not allow us to show that? Not to mention, peristence, perspective and being proactive. What's up with all the 'P' words man. Argh. As I've mentioned to M, this is the first time in my whole teaching "career"(of 1 year and 3 months) that I've felt overwhelmed and feel like its just too much for me too handle.
Well, I don't know. I just have to ride it out and see how it goes. I'm beginning to regret my decision.
Chats with teachers revealed much about
her. But there you have it, a school with teachers who are unhappy but afraid to speak up. I'm speechless.
This week has really been a horrible week, except for a silver lining yesterday, which got my self-esteem up to normal levels, but was totally pulled down again after what happened this morning. I'm actually looking forward to the end of this madness.
I don't particularly like having to live up to others' expectations of me just because I'm in this profession. Enough said.
Thought of the day: Are the youth of our society becoming less resilient?
the ironies of life
1st case: Some sailors have potential to be better sailors, but can't come for extra training cos parents choose supplementary lesson over cca. However, some sailors who do not have potential to develop into better sailors, their parents choose cca over supplementary lesson. Argh! Why? I wish we could swop them around. :(
2nd case: Interesting one this. Sch A's P IMHO, is better than Sch B's P. But, Sch A has a higher turnover rate than Sch B. Moreover, Sch B is definitely more I find myself asking why.
staff room chatter
Yeah. We're kind of enjoying our private space in the resource room for this week at least. It may be our 1st week and last week in this room I think. We were moved to this room because they installed new work tables for adjunct teachers in the staff room. We were settling in fine until we got news lately that we may be moving back to our corner in the staff room at the new tables. Most were reluctant to move. Upon further probing, I realised that there was a reason why we were to sit in the staff room instead of staying put at the Resource room. But yeah, our CTs and the SCM definitely knew our reasons for wanting to stay in the resource room. They did their own speculation and were really astute in their observations. Whoa. So yup.
Quote of the day: " You look the same. Of course I remember you, I can imagine you sitting in the classroom at the mention of your name." by Mr Tay, my dearest P4 Form teacher. He's such a nice man. So apparently, he did have very good impression of me. And according to him, I have not changed one bit. Haha. That's like 11- 12 years ago man! His memory is really good.
I hate the smell of paint. Urgh.
main dish and side dishes
Sigh. Week 1 of term 2 has just flown by just like that. It has been quite a hectic first week but the workload does not show signs of abating just yet. The madness is just beginning. Yikes. Anyway, it seems like I'm the favourite trainee to call on for after-school activities especially on school trips. Twice in a week! It can't get any better than this. And a total of 6 relief periods to do. Argh. I still have much lesson planning to do leh. Spare me please. Boohoos.
And my Friday couldn't have started off on a worse note than this. I actually overslept! Not by a little, but a lot! I was lucky I wasn't even later than the time I woke up. Want to make a guess? *Drumrolls* 7.30am! Gosh. School had already started and I just woke up. I was practically in a state of shock when I looked at the clock. And I didn't even hear the alarm ring. Haiz. I guess I was really conked out cos I slept at 10.45 ish last night. Anyway, at 7.30am this morning, the house was in total silence, no signs of life, the rest of the family was still in dreamland. How nice. Its just one of those days ah. Thank goodness I didn't have any lessons the 1st 2 periods.
But my relief was short-lived cos as I walked into the school, I saw the P walk out of the office and was walking toward the restroom. Lo and behold, she turned around for a bit and saw a figure(me) walking to the porch. Bravo. Well done me. But she just turned right back and proceeded to the toilet. Me, I hid behind the pillar for a while. Hilarious.
I think I'm getting old. I seem to forget things easily and stuff I'm supposed to do like going for relief.
i'm a happy girl today because there was no wind. yah just bummed around, and enjoyed the rest though it was a little boring. i'm a happy girl cos there's a new shower head!! Ooh...the water pressure's good and theres no more leaking.
young and restless
I don't exactly have anything to blog about. But I ended up here. Don't know why....
please remind me to keep my mouth shut at all times. lest i be misunderstood.
i always happen to say the wrong things at the wrong time. blah.
i have a "sexy" voice
my throat is in pain. and i am losing my voice. i am practically croaking. sigh. i have only myself to blame really. all the finger food, fried food and "drinks" must have been the crucial blow to my throat. well done me.
on another note, man utd played like crap and won again. haha. 1-0 over liverpool, and it is an important win. if man utd win the premiership this season, this will be the match people will look back on as the turning point of the season. but the goal sums it all really. because man utd was given the very precious free kick and took that chance. that made the difference between the both teams and liverpool had so many chances but could not find the net. Yay. My dad won the bet and 5 jugs of beer. Hah.
crazy weather
choy thinks she's falling sick. maybe there's a bug going around the staff room, or we're so stressed out my immunity is down, or the freaky weather is creating havoc. whatever it is, choy needs rest.
a few "pixels of fame"....

The photo of my bro...looking cool. Heh.

The article that appeared in ST yesterday...
Haha. A picture of my bro sailing the byte was seen on the Straits Times today. A photo of him on the byte which I believe was taken 2-3 years ago...heh. I couldn't believe my eyes, neither could he. Wonder where ST dug up the photo from. Lol. Its on the first page of Sports section. :)