My brother...
foodie sunday
I swear that judging by the amount of food i eat during every weekend, I will grow fat in no time manz... The highlight of the day was *drumroll*...... Durian! And not forgetting, my grandma's yam cake....which is super nice! Heh, I had a hand in it too... Wow, its been ages since i last ate durian....and my dad bought like 8 durians!!! What on earth was he thinking??!! And we only have 4 people at home...it'll take ages to finish man... Even my mum was thinking of making durian cake...haha. We'll see how it goes...
Oh ya...i think i can be a professional dishwasher lah...at the rate i'm going. I think my hands will become wrinkled soon....I HATE washing dishes!!! ARGH!! They'll be the death of me. On the other hand...I love ironing clothes...its rather therapeutic. I think its good training....for later...like when i get married. Heh. Oh...I have to get back to my oily pot.
Dilemna. Helplessness. Goodbye?
Ok. Warning to people who are reading this right now. Its gonna be a long and dreary post so do be prepared.
you for making me feel so at home at CHC. Thank
you for walking with me in my spiritual walk with God this past 7 months. Thank God that I have so many spirit-filled Brotherss and Sisters-in-Christ who care about me. I truly had a great and awesome time in CHC in the past half a year or so. Being in CHC made me realise that for the first time in my life, I had a purpose and direction in my life. Having a relationship with God seemed to fill this void in my heart/soul/spirit. And I began to believe that God has planted me in CHC for a reason, that i belonged to CHC. Its an unexplainable feeling.
But, much as I feel that way, the current situation has made me stop in my tracks and forced me to ponder about the next step that I should take. Is this because of my lack of faith in God? There seems to be no way that my parents will allow me to go back to CHC. So is going to another church a sign that i have a lack of faith, taking the easy way out? But, much as I want to have my way, I can't because the consequences I face with my family is too hard for me to bear. The fact is that the relationship I've built with my parents over the years have made it difficult for my parents to accept the fact that I had placed God first in my life.God says he never puts us in situations too hard for me to bear. I want to believe that God is right. But He seems so distant from me now, that its so hard to believe He will carry me out of this situation.
My cell group member once said to me that it is entirely my choice to make. And I fully agree with her on that. Well, looks like i'll make the decision of my life soon.
Its goona be soooo hard to let go....Oh God....someone...anyone....rescue me.
Bits and Pieces
Fantasia won AI3, I must say she sings like a seasoned performer and she deserves the title. But i still feel a little sad for Diana. But anyways, I'm sure she'll get a record deal and a reasonably good one at that. But, I still love Clay!!! He's got such a nice and unique voice.
I love to watch the LA Lakers play. They are just so wonderful when they get into the groove and there's no stopping them. And the smile from Kobe Bryant was just so sweet...cos it was so obvious that he was enjoying himself so much. Haha....they look solid for this yr's NBA championship ring. And Shaq was having one of his better days at the free throw line today. :)
Hehe...on to even happier things...I got a letter from MOE to go down for interview on 4th June!! I mean this is not my ideal course and may seem like a waste of my A level education to some but i really don't see it that way. So what if i graduate in 2 yrs' time only with a diploma in ed? Thankfully in s'pore, there's always avenues to constantly upgrade yourself. Thank God. Ok...better stop getting my hopes too high. I kinda dread the interview.....but I trust God to bring me through it and to say the right stuff.
Haha...lookin' forward to pasta for dinner. Yummy!!
Wow....just being at the national stadium to watch a soccer match is amazing!!! I knew VJ was gonna beat SA anyway....but I must really applaud SAJC for all their hard work for regaining some pride for SA soccer for the past 20 years. Because for 20 yrs, SA soccer did not make it through to semifinals much less the finals so kudos to SA soccer team for fighting so hard even till the end. I mean they really did not deserve the scoreline 4-1... I think regardless of the score, SA soccer team 2004 can still walk with their heads held up high. Up and ON!!!!
Well...it's been some time since i updated this blog of mine... Don't really have any reason for it though. Not that i'm busy or anything, but I guess I just didn't really bother.
Received news that my appeal to nyp wasn't successful... well, I don't really know what's the next step to take and i'm still harbouring hope that my nie application gets through. I've been thinking....maybe I can either do relief teaching at my primary school for the time being....or even sign up as a police officer. Yeah, I know that might come as a surprise to many people, even my parents but I really wanted to be a policewoman when I was younger. Hmnz...
Ok, anywayz....on to happier stuff *smilez*...I've FINALLY got a tan!!! Haha...went out with [SA]ilors on sat on the powerboat...I miss sailing....think i'm joining them again this wkend! Heh....and I can't wait for tomorrow's soccer match, sajc vs vjc at the nat stadium!!! SAJC's first soccer final in like 20 years??!! I think it's gonna be great and I think SAJC can win. Yep....will let you guys know how it went.
adrenaline rush
Went to watch SAJC basketball team in action in the inter-schs finals against HCJC for both boys and girls teams this arvo... And boy, was it exciting!! Ok, perhaps not so much for the girls' match where SA was outclassed in all departments(we were thrashed by 20+ pts), but the guys' match had such tenacity and the pace was just fast and furious....it was such a joy to watch. And our free-throw shooting was just awesome!! I kinda miss those days back in SA where we would be supporting most sports teams like rugby, soccer, basketball atc. Unlike sailing, which is not a spectator sport, so pepole in sch don't really know what's sailing really like...Tht's what I like about sailing, 'cos you have to rely on yourself all the time when you are competing, unlike a spectator sport, where sometimes the crowd can just cheer you out of difficult times....
I miss sailing.....
Went to watch Troy today, and the verdict is.....WOW!! It was awesome!!! And well....I don't really want to reveal so much but there was an unlikely "hero" in the movie... :P Anywayz...Brad Pitt dosen't look as if he's 40....and Orlando Bloom just melts my heart. :) Okay...its not as if I watched the show just because they starred in it, but it was definitely a major
plus. The special effects were really good, I must say. I mean, considering the director, Wolfgang Peterson directed
The Perfect Storm as well just says a lot. Really lived up to its hype.
Today was quite a great day... Woke up early to fetch my mum from work and we had a sumptous breakfast at chinatown...yummy!! Met Christel in the arvo amidst suspicion from my dad that she might be from
church; but of course i flatly
denied. Had a good time...sharing the word of God...which is such a powerful tool, 'cos it contains the truth which sets you free, and gives you hope in your darkest times. I really thank God for putting such brothers & sisters-in-Christ in my life. Then, in the evening, had picnic at east coast park. Had chicken rice,soup,and....wine. ;) it was really great spending time with my family. Oh, and played a bit of soccer....which i totally suck at. Yay....12 hrs to TROY....
Yay....gonna meet Christel tmrw... Can't wait to catch up with her and listen to her share this week's sermon! Heh....and....I'm gonna watch Troy with my mum and bro on Mon! Wow...can't wait...with all the hype and all the rave reviews on the movie, it is a definite must-watch movie of the year. Will
try to post after the movie...;)
PS: Hey Jac...So sad can't watch Troy with ya dearie... :( Owells, hope u get to catch it soon.
Juz back frm visiting my grandpa...he looks like in really gd spirits...though his memory will never be the same again. he couldn't remember who i was... Oh wells, I just thank God that he's still alive. He's so endearing, the way he smiled during pohto-taking just now just made my heart melt. must visit him more often.
okay...that nothing to be "yikes" about...THIS is. While waiting for the bus, I saw a couple holding hands. TWO GUYS!!!!! No less!!! It sent chills up my spine, i had to take a second look to confirm cos i couldn't believe my eyes!!! YUCK!!! I mean okay....s'pore is getting more liberalised....you may say this is nothing. But Hello??!!! I mean u can do this in private what....not in public? Urgh!
Deep concerns...
well...had a rough day yesterday...God says He never puts us in situations that are too tough for us to handle. I do believe that, but after yesterday, it kinda seemed almost a broken promise....but God does keep his promises. In times of suffering, it is so easy to lose sight of God and that He REALLY IS by YOUR side all the time, but it is in these times where our faith in God is being tested. And I do believe that after overcoming these challenges, it will take me to a higher level of spiritual maturity. actually, this battle has already been won, juz that God has yet to show me
how. ok, enough of these, really digressing. I always get too carried away when I'm rambling....tend to get too worked up.
ANYWAY, had a great breakfast juz now with my parents...dun wanna take them for granted. i do treasure the times we spend together. they tell me there needs to be more two-way and open communication between us but its just so hard to do. they also observed that i am not so quiet to my friends and colleagues but its not the same with them.
I wonder why too. Actually i have a theory; perhaps its my fear of them which has been infused into me since young. i've always been treated the "best" by them since young, leading a pretty sheltered life, and plus, i've been a pretty good girl all my life. One reason being treated well is because i am the eldest. and i am a pretty submissive person, but a stubborn one too, and that puts me at a disadvantage when dealing with my dad cos he has a fiery temper and u dun really want to talk back to him in those moments. and when i
try to reason, it always seem to him that i'm being defensive so its so difficult to convey my true feelings to him. bah....he always says i dun wanna open my mouth. what about him, does he knows that he's being very controlling? so when i shut my mouth in fear/worry that he'll accuse me of being defensive, he says i'm too quiet. darn.
a new start...?
i kinda like this new look....like it gives a "fresh" new meaning to life or something along those lines....
oh wells, anyways, getting excited abt my trip to hk at the end of june!!! me and my coz are going alone, tenatively a 4d3n trip..YAY!! haha...can't wait for my first trip out of s'pore w/o parents.. :-D