Wow....the year 2004 has passed by in the blink of an eye... Its been a pretty rough first half of the year...with no form of stability and lots of unexpected turn of events. But as the year wore on...things became better and worked out pretty well I must say. And, a new school year is going to start and I can't wait to see what students I've got under my wing for half a year. Heh... Yeah, I bet 6 months will pass by damn quickly too, with lesson observations in early february. I'll get through it....I hope. :)
The tsunami death toll has reached 80000. The figure is unbelievable. With many people still unaccounted for. And one has to expect the worst of those still missing. However, one can only hope and pray that the weather will not worsen and to hamper the rescue efforts. My cousin has left for Indonesia for at least 2 weeks to set up some communications base there, as part of NS. Hope that he would keep himself safe. Of course its a good experience but you never know what would happen.
Fresh Fish!
Haha...Yes! I can finally see my study table top!! Woohoo! I had to close an eye to throw unwanted things away cos I'm such a sentimental person. Yes... If I'm not wrong, virgos tend to be sentimental people. Hee...
Spent the whole day at school yesterday to attend a workshop by Dr Ng Pak Tee. Gosh! He's such a funny guy and I daresay he's got a split personality. He's so inspirational and funny at most times. Its a really great workshop to refresh our minds before we start school in a few days' time. We must all be fresh fish!
Spent :)
Wow....was out of the day for 14 hours today and am ready to go to lala-land. But I can't resist not blogging about what happened today so I'll make it as short and sweet as possible.
Went to Pulau Ubin today with Jac, T and J. Had lots of fun....Haven't been there to look at the nature so it was the perfect opportunity. Although there wasn't many birds to see and termed "its getting boring" by Jac, I was simply just taking in what I saw. Yeah...we rode around the island which consisted of many uphill slopes; many of which I had to push the bicycle up. I realised how unfit I was. Yes. Ah Choy is unfit! The slopes are terrible lah! So we left the island at about 5.45pm...waited a looong time for a taxi to take me home, rushed through my shower and I was off to a gathering of the "foursome"/"four musketeers"/"four mosquitoes"(as termed by my parents). Luckily dad could fetch me to town....he was preparing to meet up with his colleagues anyway. Lucky me. Thanks dad! *muacks*
Yeah....couldn't miss the gathering for the world! It has been eons since we last met! Haha...It was great...just catching up with each other, especially Lydia...cos she was the "lost one". Lol... Anyway, food at Nooch was so-so... service was awfully bad. Shan't elaborate any further. But company was great! Then walked the streets for a while, Lydia went home first as she was tired so we proceeded to have some coffee. Yeah...just realised that we're all quite heavy coffee/caffeine drinkers. Haha... comes the "highlight" of my day. Time: 2315hrs. Place: Taka taxi stand. Situation: Long queue. But I queued anyway, cos of one simple and valid reason. It would have taken me 45 mins to one hour to reach Tamp interchange if I took the train. And I had to take a feeder service to reach home, but didn't know what time was the last bus. So I decided to cab home. But from 2315hrs-2350hrs, only 4-5 cabs came. Yes...only that miserable number for a damn long queue. Subsequently, many people dropped out of the queue after realising that cabs were boycotting the taxi stand. So at 2359hrs(or thereabout), this lady couldn't stand it anymore, and finally succumbed to calling for a cab. So the taxi came promptly, and lo and behold, she was going to Bedok! Wow! She turned around to ask whether anyone was going that way. It was an offer too good to refuse so I accepted her offer. Thank God! Had I not did what I did, I think I would still have been standing there waiting fervently in the hope of a taxi to show up(till who-knows-when). And the best thing was....I was over-changed by the taxi-driver! Woohoo! Ok, I shouldn't be rejoicing but it wasn't entirely my fault. I only checked the change when I came out of the taxi and realised he gave me 5 bucks more! Haha...that's his/their retribution for boycotting the taxi stand. God is not blind.
The moral of the story is:
Do not ever queue at the
Taka taxi-stand after 10pm. Period.
If you have to take a cab, go to the roadside.
Taxi drivers are despicable. So what use is the staggered surcharge before midnight? Zilch!
Hmnz...met Jill at Changi. She looks great! Haha...must meet up with her before she leaves in Feb. And...I met Amanda too! At wheelock place...
Tag Replies:
Hink: Hey! how's your hols been so far? Mine's great! Yeah.. I didn't feel the ache that much cos there were more of us playing...:) I realised that its more fun if more people play together. Can't wait for school to start! :P
Tired pig
Haha...yes! I am officially a pig! Gosh...ate so much yesterday until I was so uncomfortable. I shan't even go into the details(but breakkie and supper were both yummy!). And...I didn't know that organising games for children aged 10-13 years of age can be such a difficult and tiring task. Gosh, I wasn't even running around. Anyway...I don't know what are becoming of kids nowadays. They have absolutely zero manners. Tsk Tsk...
Today was fun...played badminton with my cousin and her parents and my bro. Yup, haven't played badminton in a loooong was so fun. But tiring too. After that, went to Subway for lunch. Yummy! And have you tried their cookies? They are the soft nice! Absolute heavenly delicious.(not grammatically correct but who cares) Then I came home and went to take a nap. Hmn...maybe I should do some ironing tonight.
Ooh...the dress you see below is bought for chinese new year. Yep. I love it...haven't been wearing lots of dresses... I bought another skirt and a blouse but not sure they match. Hmn...Bleah. Just played with my hamsters...One of them is sooooo FAT!!! J:Reminds me of Zima. :( But still, not as fat. Heh. So cuddly...but likes to nibble!! Ahh. And there's this hamster who was always bullied by another hamster in the previous was so tramautised that it dosen't get to eat much food or drink much, so much so that its poo was crusted around its bottom. So yucky right? So I isolated it and gave it water and food and voila! It's resolved. *beams* Haha...alright, enough of hamster stories. Gotta go have a shower. Tata! HAve a great week ahead!

New dress!
The season of giving and peace.
Wow....Christmas' just round the corner!! Yes you people....still rushing to get gifts for your loved ones and friends? Hehe... Its so ironic that although manycountries around the world are celebrating Christmas, the same cannot be said of many other nations which are in turmoil right now. Well, I'm just thankful to be living in a country where natural disasters are unheard of and a loving family. Yep.
I think I had the worst sleep ever last night. Had a disrupted sleep last night because of my bladder. And after that, I couldn't get to sleep at 3 am!!! So I was tossing and turning until about 6 plus and woke up at 9 plus. Grrr.... Anyway, lately, have been doing some retail therapy and its quite fruitful! my clothes for Chinese New year already! Yesh. So happy!*beams* And because I got my bonus, I'm looking out for a good micro hi-fi set without the dvd and the cassette tape features. Yep, just give me a cd player and radio. Any suggestions?
Aching legs
Phew. What a day. Was chaperone cum labour worker to my brother today. Went to sports school to buy his books and uniform and go for his medical checkup. In between, we had time to kill so went to causeway point for lunch then shopped around. Yay! Got a pair of dangling earrings. So pretty!*beams* Hehe...I think I really should leave my atm card at home and just go out with cash next time. Damn. Walked a lot today....cos sports school is so far in! And the compound is huge, enormous...etc. I'm taking a brief rest now before I head off to the airport to await Jac's arrival! Yippee! Lalalala.... :)
Adrenaline rush!
Woohoo! Had a blast sailing the laser full rig yesterday! Almost forgot how much I enjoyed sailing... It has been one and a half years since I touched a laser...yep...that's very long. Of course, in the first few minutes on the boat, I felt almost alien to the boat, and almost lost control of the boat. I was so tense until my wrist hurt! Goodness...and the gusty winds did not help much. Oh well...hope i have time for sailing in the near future. was a rather productive day...did some overdue housework then went to watch National Treasure. Well, my verdict? It's a damn good show! I loved it. I think I'm hooked on shows which invloves stealing stuff. Hurhur. Next movies on my list: Kung Fu Hustle and Ocean's Twelve. Ooh....and here's wishing Sarah a Happy Birthday in advance!
HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY SARAH! (eh, did I get it right?)
Oh yeah...Jac's coming back tomorrow!! Can't wait to meet up with her. Hmnz...should I or should I not got to the airport to pick her up?
Tired but happy... :)
Well, I spent the whole day just catching up on my sleep today. Didn't do anything much, just watched tv, surf the net, read the papers. Couldn't even be bothered to do housework. Yep...It was a great weekend... was in touch with the elements...felt so good! And I'm tanned! Yay! But it wasn't a great weekend for my bro. Oh wellz...
Ooh...and I got my bonus! happy... :) I was wondering...where did all that money come from??!! Better not spend on uneccesary stuff....*ties my hands*. Hah...let's see what's on the agenda tomorrow? Oh, I'm going to help my junior sail a boat back to nsc from safyc changi. Yep...nothing less than a full rig too. Oh well, I kinda relish sailing the full rig....just don't give me 12 knots and above. Heh...
Oh yeah...I can't resist not blogging abt this... My cousin actually forgot to bring his house keys and coincidentally, his whole family's in sydney. Heh...he's out of the house...and most probably staying in camp. funny... :P
On cloud nine!
Hehe...overall, a great day today! But am very tired... but I also got a tan! Woohoo! Without getting burnt. Yes, I've learnt my lesson...must apply sunblock. Or else will get skin cancer one... One down...two more days to go. I will survive...
Right, what made me even happier today? Haha...nice clothes that fit me from M' family's favourite shopping destination. And at super reasonable prices too! Hah! Blouse and 3/4 pants all at just 24 sing dollars. Yep...Thanks mum and dad! Love ya to bits.
Everything seemed to run smoothly today. Actually realised that SAFYC staff are really quite nice people lah. Hmn....there's gonna be a beefier guy joining us on the powerboat tomorrow! Yeah...can rest my aching arms liao...Poor Rohaizan...who did most of the pulling because I was simply too tired to pull up about 25-30 metres of rope. Yep, its that long. Right...gotta have an early night. HAve a good weekend people!
Hmn...I wonder from what? From my parents? Hmn...they are out of Malacca. Yeah...and I'm all alone at home now...pretty lonely. My brother's at a class gathering now and won't be home till later. And I'm slowly rotting away....
Ooh...another form of liberation is retail therapy. Woohoo! But then shortly takes you on a little guilt trip. Darn....the account is running low. Haha...Sarah, you are not alone. :P Hmph...and I think I really want
that jacket. Sobz... Why didn't I buy it just now? Gosh....someone stop me please. Hmn...payday's coming! Yay! And Jac's coming back in 8 days! Double YAy!
Going back to school tomorrow to transport some stationery there...and to hopefully do some meaningful work. :) Righto.
Lazing around
Its so good to finally be able to breathe after a hectic one and a half terms in school. I now have time to clean the floor at least twice a week. Hehe...*wry smile* In addition to that, have more time to play with my hamsters. What else? Ooh...I have so much time on my hands that I can afford to sit on the couch and flip channels...Heh. And....of course, be able to chat with Jac! Sweet.
Ah Choy's reflection for the day: A lot of times we get caught up in whatever we are doing....and situations may get too hard for us to handle. So much so that we fail to even take a little time out to just breathe in the fresh air and just notice the flowers which are blooming around us. Sometimes, we just have to be thankful about the precious things that we already have, eg family, friends. And those things are already more than enough to set your mind at peace.