Just being me.
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Just caught The Apprentice on Channel 5 just now and I find it really entertaining and amusing and fun to watch them fight it out to be Donald Trump's assistant. I think I'm hooked on reality tv shows. Don't know what exactly draws me to them though. This show is something different from the Amazing race and Survivor and The Bachelor....
Oh God....help me. Tell me what shall I do?
Oh God....help me. Tell me what shall I do?
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Hazy days ahead... :/
Has anyone noticed or even smell the air? Yep, hazy days are back again and I don't like it one bit. It gets sickening after a while and you get a rude jolt that makes you ask "Is the air really that dirty?" I mean, the haze can be so detrimental to people who have severe asthma which is triggered by inhaling dust and all the pollutants in the air. Gosh....what is the world coming to? I can't imagine the world in like 200 yrs' time.*shudders*Tuesday, June 22, 2004
I'm f****** pissed off right now. Can't stand it when he does stupid things like hiding your phone under the pillow when its RINGING!!!! And the indifferent attitude he gave me when I asked him where my phone was, "I don't know" was the stoic reply. Bl**** h***, I remember leaving it there before going to the living room and you can tell me you don't know. Then he took it out from under the pillow when I was not looking and I asked him why he hid it there, he says "I wanted to shut it up". Bugger! Which idiot wants to shut up a phone when its ringing? He could have just taken a few steps to pass me the phone. But NO, he didn't. what kind of a****** is that? Sorry for the expletives, couldn't help it. I'm really riled up now. Just because he's f****** busy on the computer playing games and chatting dosen't excuse his ignorant behaviour.Burst of productivity :)
Heehee....I finally got a tag-board! Another avenue to shout out to me! Heh...Jac, you must be feeling rather proud of me huh? I did it all by myself.....considering I'm an idiot at html stuff. Ok, actually it wasn't all that hard. It was quite easy, just copy and paste only what. :)Hmnz....finally sorted out the many photos on the computer....at least I organized them into their respective folders. Thinking of having an online album so you guys can see my photos... :) I can't imagine life without a digital camera.. Its so convenient. Technology is such a powerful tool.
Darn....gotta go vaccuum and mop the floor now. Can't believe that the floor gets BLACK without two days of cleaning. Sometimes I hate living by the main road/busy street. Bugger.
Monday, June 21, 2004

Oh yeah....this is a pic I took of my bro and the supposed gay Thai sailor. The Thai sailor's on the right. Notice the distance between them? ;)

Back from my little hiatus
Praise God! Just got the offer of appointment letter from MOE to teach for one yr before entering NIE! Woohoo...I'm esctatic right now. I'm supposed to start work on 26th July...but no idea at which school yet. Will get more details at the briefing this Friday.Well anyways....nothing interesting to post during the last few days. Hmnz...looking forward to my HK trip... :) Think I'll be doing lotsa retail therapy...
Thursday, June 17, 2004
I really feel sad for my bro. Some girl just crashed into his boat today due to her negilgence. It was absolutely no fault of my bro. And it resulted in a BIG hole in the side of his hull which cannot be repaired... Moreover, this is not her first collision. Apparently, earlier in the year, she crshed into another boat. What a coincidence. But anyway, my bro protested her, she was disqualified from that race, and my bro's position was reinstated. Thank God it happened during the last race of the day, otherwise, he would have thrown away more races if he was not able to find another boat to sail in for later races. Owells...I'm not one to judge anybody la....but if someone always gets into collisions regardless of whether it is a car or a boat, it proves something right? Oh, uncle Shaw Her, who was on the protest committee was so nice to my bro. I walways thought he was very intimidating. Saw a lighter side of him today.
Haha....I made an observation over the last 3 days of regatta...and came to a conclusion that the best thai byte sailor is gay! He has pink slippers, powders his face, has a "gay" partner, another thai byte sailor who wears pink shorts.....and....wears a life-vest with chinese characters which mean "transexual". Oh man....and my bro managed a little conversation with him after the protest and made friends with him. Owells....u meet all sorts of people everyday.
Haha....I made an observation over the last 3 days of regatta...and came to a conclusion that the best thai byte sailor is gay! He has pink slippers, powders his face, has a "gay" partner, another thai byte sailor who wears pink shorts.....and....wears a life-vest with chinese characters which mean "transexual". Oh man....and my bro managed a little conversation with him after the protest and made friends with him. Owells....u meet all sorts of people everyday.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Ooh...what a day! A total of 4 races were sailed today! Wow... Uncle George is an efficient OD...which also happens to come with his idisyncrasies....so once u can tune in to his way of doing things....you are on the way to having an enjoyable time working with him. :) Hmnz....My bro was inconsistent though....he had a 2,27,11 and 6. So my dad was quite unhappy....Oh wells, can't blame him, cos we all know that my bro is capable of much more. Anyway, if u happen to be reading this, forget about these few races and just focus on tmrw ya? You can do it! Remember....its all in the mind....=)
Monday, June 14, 2004
Has anyone seen the new Aussie advertisement on tv? I love it...the scenery is so nice....and the song is so heartwarming!! Hehe...
Went to collect my cert this morning....then went to TM to have my haircut...more like a hair trim....and guess what? A cute guy cut my hair!! Haha...his name is Ben...He has a cool demeanour and he just exudes a charm which is hard to describe lah.. Anyway, after that went home and watched Mona Lisa Smile! I just love Julia Roberts. She's such a consummate actress. She always seem to fit into her roles perfectly....but the plot was quite good as well.=) It was a vcd worth buying.
Oh and I can't believe my dad just trimmed my bro's hair and it actually looked quite nice, considering that my dad has no professional haircut experience and that the haircuts which he did for us when we were younger were.....erm.....not very nice. :/
Went to collect my cert this morning....then went to TM to have my haircut...more like a hair trim....and guess what? A cute guy cut my hair!! Haha...his name is Ben...He has a cool demeanour and he just exudes a charm which is hard to describe lah.. Anyway, after that went home and watched Mona Lisa Smile! I just love Julia Roberts. She's such a consummate actress. She always seem to fit into her roles perfectly....but the plot was quite good as well.=) It was a vcd worth buying.
Oh and I can't believe my dad just trimmed my bro's hair and it actually looked quite nice, considering that my dad has no professional haircut experience and that the haircuts which he did for us when we were younger were.....erm.....not very nice. :/
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Ooh....Kiera Knightley is so pretty!!! Haha...Bend it like Beckham was quite a good show I must say.... See lah Ros...think you've infected me. =) It was so hilariously funny!! Haha...
Thank you God, for the conversation with XL just now. It made me realise something. =)
Thank you God, for the conversation with XL just now. It made me realise something. =)
Am watching rugby on tv now...aussies against the scots....and watching the aussies score a try was such a delight!! Wow....my heart literally stopped for that few seconds when they made such easy-looking passes which resulted in the try...but it really is hard work. Okies...will update later. Gotta go back to my game!
Ok...I'm back! Wow...its really a delight to see the way Aussies pass the ball...its like magic. Their passing is so fluid!! In the end they won 35-13 I think.
Hehe...so happy! Got a new pair of ear studs...in the shape of an anchor. So nice! =) 3 bucks only....from a shop which is closing down downstairs. And my bro has some model tanker and fighter plane stuff to fix up....to keep him occupied.
Oh....I had lunch at Secret Recipe just now...early father's day celebration....Man, the food was good! Loved the cheese cake and lamb stew!! It was really awesome... Am so full now.....
My poor little toe...accidentally knocked it on some metal bar at Carrefour and I didn't know it bled till just now when I happened to take a look at it. Sigh...it hurts when I touch it. Anywayz...going down to SA tomorrow to collect my cert. May be going for a haircut. depends on my mood. =)
Ok...I'm back! Wow...its really a delight to see the way Aussies pass the ball...its like magic. Their passing is so fluid!! In the end they won 35-13 I think.
Hehe...so happy! Got a new pair of ear studs...in the shape of an anchor. So nice! =) 3 bucks only....from a shop which is closing down downstairs. And my bro has some model tanker and fighter plane stuff to fix up....to keep him occupied.
Oh....I had lunch at Secret Recipe just now...early father's day celebration....Man, the food was good! Loved the cheese cake and lamb stew!! It was really awesome... Am so full now.....
My poor little toe...accidentally knocked it on some metal bar at Carrefour and I didn't know it bled till just now when I happened to take a look at it. Sigh...it hurts when I touch it. Anywayz...going down to SA tomorrow to collect my cert. May be going for a haircut. depends on my mood. =)
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Had a [SA]ilors outing with Ms Tan yesterday. It was so fun! And to say that some of the conversations were hilarious was an understatement. Hehe...and ooh....all the gossip that just flowed around the table was nothing less than juicy. Oh! And of course, who could forget that Ros actually fell off her chair? =) LOL.
As expected, SA was trashed in team racing, 'cept for the one and only match which SA won was the guys against VJ. That win was especially sweet, but also a heartstopper for me cos I thought Andy was dsq-ed for not finishing his penalty, but apparently, SH Tan let him off the hook. Hey [SA]ilors, I hope you guys didn't really take the results of the team racing to heart. To me, that was just a fun thing. What matters most is that you guys realise which areas you have to buck up in for the inter-schs and really just do your best. That's all I ask for. =) Cos there's not really much time left too.
Next week will be another week where I'll call nsc my second home. I will be helping out frm tues-sat....so if there's a lack of posts....you will know that I was too tired. ;) Hope my bro will do well!*crosses fingers*
Its amazing how some people know that they can't seem to drink a lot before they get drunk but still drink to their hearts' content. Uncle George is one shining example. It always makes me want to laugh when he starts babbling in his drunken stupor. And he laughed like a kid when he was telling us of something funny....He covered his mouth and giggled....Oh Gosh!! Sigh...he is a colourful character. And I'm gonna be on the same boat as him for 5 days!!*groans* How am I going to survive it...? Don't even know whether he's gonna be there to help out at all. But most probably not. So sad... =(
As expected, SA was trashed in team racing, 'cept for the one and only match which SA won was the guys against VJ. That win was especially sweet, but also a heartstopper for me cos I thought Andy was dsq-ed for not finishing his penalty, but apparently, SH Tan let him off the hook. Hey [SA]ilors, I hope you guys didn't really take the results of the team racing to heart. To me, that was just a fun thing. What matters most is that you guys realise which areas you have to buck up in for the inter-schs and really just do your best. That's all I ask for. =) Cos there's not really much time left too.
Next week will be another week where I'll call nsc my second home. I will be helping out frm tues-sat....so if there's a lack of posts....you will know that I was too tired. ;) Hope my bro will do well!*crosses fingers*
Its amazing how some people know that they can't seem to drink a lot before they get drunk but still drink to their hearts' content. Uncle George is one shining example. It always makes me want to laugh when he starts babbling in his drunken stupor. And he laughed like a kid when he was telling us of something funny....He covered his mouth and giggled....Oh Gosh!! Sigh...he is a colourful character. And I'm gonna be on the same boat as him for 5 days!!*groans* How am I going to survive it...? Don't even know whether he's gonna be there to help out at all. But most probably not. So sad... =(
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Damn...I'm pissed. Sometimes, I really feel as if my mum practises favouritism. Like what on earth did I do to incur her wrath??!! And made her say something like "I don't want you to grow up to become like your sister" to my brother. Like hello? Am I that bad an example for him to follow? I can't understand any of this.
Sigh....today was a super-boring day... There was absolutely no wind at all... and there was speculation was that it would storm tomorrow. Oh boy, that will be a damn good prospect for tomorrow. The weather in S'pore is really freaky nowadays.
Hmnz...just found out that the owner of the shop in nsc which sells sailing gear is looking for a shop assistant who preferably has accounting skills. Well, I don't mind learning on the job but I think it won't be fair to Tim if I can't commit for even 1 month and he has to teach me all the basics. It would be like a waste of his timee and energy. He gave me his card and asked me to email him some details about myself. Still in two minds whether I want to email him.
Owells, there's something to look forward to tomorrow! Dinner at Suntec Marche with the [SA]ilors...It would be fun! And my bro would be home alone tomorrow night cos my dad has someting on too, and my mum's working the afternoon shift.
Beginning to have feelings for someone... So those nosey parkers out there, do not even TRY to fish out from me or any other people as to the identity of the one in question.
Hmnz...just found out that the owner of the shop in nsc which sells sailing gear is looking for a shop assistant who preferably has accounting skills. Well, I don't mind learning on the job but I think it won't be fair to Tim if I can't commit for even 1 month and he has to teach me all the basics. It would be like a waste of his timee and energy. He gave me his card and asked me to email him some details about myself. Still in two minds whether I want to email him.
Owells, there's something to look forward to tomorrow! Dinner at Suntec Marche with the [SA]ilors...It would be fun! And my bro would be home alone tomorrow night cos my dad has someting on too, and my mum's working the afternoon shift.
Beginning to have feelings for someone... So those nosey parkers out there, do not even TRY to fish out from me or any other people as to the identity of the one in question.
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Oh yes, for those of you who haven't watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, what are u waiting for? Go watch it now!! Its really more exciting than the first instalment. Can't remember much about the second though... Anyway, b4 watching the show, heard a lot of rumours that many people were disappointed with the movie....but my bro, mum, and myself found it rather enjoyable. Yippee! Glad I've caught the movie already....can't wait for the last book and the next movie.
Just went swimming just now....after a long hiatus from it. It felt quite good... :P Oh, and I saw a couple of cute guys... who went there to just bake in the sun and chit-chat for like 30-45 mins?? Oh wells... Then at the bus stop, I saw this guy, i think he was about 14 yrs old, I think he's the most irritating brother I've ever seen! He kept disturbing and bullying his younger sister who was probably around 9, 10 yrs old? It's like he enjoyed doing it lor....I really pitied the little girl. I felt like going up to him and giving him a tight slap.
Whee.....my hamsters smell nice now. And they look squeaky clean.
Just went swimming just now....after a long hiatus from it. It felt quite good... :P Oh, and I saw a couple of cute guys... who went there to just bake in the sun and chit-chat for like 30-45 mins?? Oh wells... Then at the bus stop, I saw this guy, i think he was about 14 yrs old, I think he's the most irritating brother I've ever seen! He kept disturbing and bullying his younger sister who was probably around 9, 10 yrs old? It's like he enjoyed doing it lor....I really pitied the little girl. I felt like going up to him and giving him a tight slap.
Whee.....my hamsters smell nice now. And they look squeaky clean.
Friday, June 04, 2004
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Ok...strange as it may sound, I'm actually missing my brother who is at sailing camp. Although I am at nsc during the same 5 days of his camp and I do see him, him not being at home just feels different. It always happens when he is not at home for a period of 3 days or more. The same thing happened when he was at Langkawi. Anyways, a minor accident happened last night when they were riding back to nsc after dinner. He literally flew off his bike when he braked super-hard at high-speed. Thank God he only escaped with superficial injuries to his chin, arm, face and knee. Ok, it may sound as if he injured almost his whole body but he was really lucky he didn't hurt his head or break his jaw. I bet he must be damn sore that he couldn't sail the whole of today. I guess he'll sail tomorrow, regardless of whether coach allows him to. Oh, and luckily for me today, there wasn't much sun in the arvo today, so my sun-burnt thighs had time to recover. Thank God. I hope and pray there won't be much sun tomorrow too, or else I'll be burnt alive...I think.Ok, today's interview wasn't that bad. The panel of interviewers were really genuinely nice people who weren't out to make life difficult for you. There were 3 of them; 2 males, 1 female. Had quite a good time, at least there were some laughter and they didn't really make me feel nervous, although it did seem a little daunting at first. Think I have a 60-40 chance of making it. Keeping my fingers crossed. Alright, 2 more days to go!!
Thursday, June 03, 2004
the sea: part 2
I think I'm gonna walk funnily tomorrow. As if i have an abrasion...but the skin around my knee/lower thigh area hurts so much that i can't walk properly. Damn the sun. Hmph. But I want a nice tan.....Sigh. Even now, can still feel heat emitting from the sunburnt skin. I really wonder how I'm gonna make my way down to Buona Vista in this state....at the rate i'm walking today(like a grandmother)....I'll never be able to reach there in time. Actually, I'm feeling quite excited about the interview tomorrow. Hope it'll turn out well. I'm trusting in Him to guide me to say the right things.Wednesday, June 02, 2004
the sea
Heh....Seems like ages since I last helped out at a regatta... But it feels quite good to be back at sea i must say. I'm slowly getting back to the routine that i'm so used to. But the only drawback is...I'm gonna be a lobster for the next 4 days....I'm actually kinda glad I'm not going on friday....it'll give me some time to recuperate. Coming down with the flu or something like that...had a blocked nose today. Had to breathe through my mouth....vicks inhaler didn't work. Well...i'm gonna make doubly sure i'm covered with layers of sunblock tomorrow....not gonna risk getting skin cancer when i'm not even 50. Oh...and there's no doubt that i'll start peeling about a week from now. Sounds as if I'm a snake...Yawn...I'm getting tired. Really hope there's wind tomorrow. Here's wishing [sa]ilors all the best for the next 4 days of competition, especially Ros. =)